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Business Development
A bigger book of business means MORE freedom. Learn how to attract key strategic centers of influence that can catapult you to the next level, get in front of more decision-makers and open more doors for opportunity.
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Even superstars need a coach. In addition to Phil Jackson, Michael Jordan retained five separate private coaches, dedicated to five specific areas of performance. Check out our coaching programs and discover how we can help drive you and your team to the next level.
Sales is about technique and process. No more winging it. Master the magical Six Step Sales Process and get started producing million-dollar results NOW!
Social Media
In this hypercompetitive marketplace, it is critical that we leverage every opportunity we can to differentiate ourselves. Our dynamic social media advisory team will design a strategy that will have the marketplace buzzing about you!
Tim O’ Brien is an Internationally Recognized Personal Branding and Business Development Strategist
From the United States to Singapore to Romania, Tim has shared his unique message on what it takes to create a magnetic personal brand that produces more wealth, influence, and freedom. Through his exclusive coaching programs. Tim has helped over 400 successful professionals grow their businesses by more than a combined $100,000,000.
Want to learn more about Tim?
Some of america’s biggest corporations have relied upon Tim’s judgement, including Bank of America, Parsons International, Young President’s Organization, Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, the NCAA, and Cushman & Wakefield to name just a few.
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Tim is great at what he does!
“I have known Tim O’Brien for 15 plus years where he has contributed to a significant number of my employees business networking and branding education. He has made a measurable difference in their personal lives while also providing tangible metrics to our business outcomes. Aside from my business relationship with Tim, I consider him a good personal friend and would highly recommend his services.”
– Robert Brunswick, Chief Executive Officer