“Results are the name of the game.”
The Journey
The reason we seek coaching is because we know deep down inside we are not reaching our true potential. We know we are capable of so much more. This is known as the journey of self-actualization. Our goal should be to harness every ounce of our raw potential. When we do our lives are so much more rich and fulfilling.
The question is “Why are so many of us falling short of this ambitious goal?”
Assuming we have the drive and work ethic essential to success, there is only one reason we are falling short. We lack proper focus.
The first half of our career
When we are young we didn’t take the time to focus on developing the skills necessary to excel in the areas we want to succeed (i.e. our skill development is lacking)
The second half of our career
After developing the prerequisite skills we need to shift our focus towards overcoming our personal development blockers. Those mysterious fears, feelings and inner obstacles that prevent us from taking the risks necessary actualize massive parts of our potential.
Lastly, we need to focus on clearing the runway for takeoff. This means implementing the systems that allow us to perform “in the zone” day-in and day-out. Be it hiring the right people or setting up critical organizational processes that run independent of you.
If you have the passion to journey towards self-actualization we can help you. Sample programs include:
- Three monthly 60 minute coaching calls with Tim (via GoToMeeting, Zoom, Skype)
- Peak Performance Assessment
- 360 Peer Review
- Utilization of Performance Tracking Model
- Three monthly 60 minute coaching calls with Tim (via GoToMeeting, Zoom, Skype)
- Peak Performance Assessment
- 360 Peer Review
- Utilization of Performance Tracking Model
- Three, (3) hour in-person sessions with you/client per year(e.g. 9am-12pm every four months)
- Written follow up plan submitted to client
- Three monthly 60 minute coaching calls with Tim
(via GoToMeeting, Zoom, Skype) - Peak Performance Assessment
- 360 Peer Review
- Utilization of Performance Tracking Model
- Three, (3) hour in-person sessions with you/client per year(e.g. 9am-12pm every four months)
- Written follow up plan submitted to client
- Two, (3) hour sessions with entire team (e.g. 9:00am-12pm twice per year)
- One hour debrief session with client following team session
- Written follow up plan submitted to client